Odyssey Charter School
14 St. John Circle, Newnan, GA 30265 -- (770)251-6111


Early Intervention Program (EIP)

Odyssey’s collective goal is for each student to be learning and performing to the best of their ability. If skill deficits are standing in the way of a student’s progress, we have the challenge and obligation to fill those gaps so that the student will have the tools he/she needs in order to succeed.

Response-To-Intervention, or RTI, is an early-intervention program that Odyssey uses to assist any student struggling in reading and math. Students receiving RTI instruction are typically regular education students who are  having difficulty because they are lacking a certain skill needed to succeed in a particular subject. For instance, a student who is not proficient in multiplication facts might do poorly in math. Using targeted, high-quality, research-based instruction as well as continuous progress monitoring, RTI aims to prevent students from experiencing long-term academic failure.  Odyssey received a “Powerful Practice” on our SACS accreditation for our RTI program and received the note “Could be a model for the County” when audited.

Students involved with RTI have targeted intervention plans uniquely tailored to their individual needs. Our RTI team develops an intervention plan based on the student’s specific deficits and each student’s progress is carefully monitored so that the interventions may be adjusted as needed in order to provide the best opportunity for the success of the student.

RTI should not be confused with traditional after-school tutoring. RTI students meet during the regular school day in small groups or in one-on-one sessions with  RTI team members  during non-academic times (such as connections/specials or FIRE time). Sessions are scheduled on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on the needs of the student.

Students may qualify for Odyssey’s RTI program based on EIP or SST status at their previous school. In addition, students may be identified based on standardized test scores or as a result of universal screening tools such as G.R.A.S.P. (Georgia RESA Assessment of Student Progress).  Alternatively, teachers may also refer students to RTI through a process outlined in our RTI Policies and Procedures manual.

If you have any questions about our RTI program, please contact the main office.

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