The Governing Board of Directors has the complete responsibility of carrying out the terms of our charter contract and for managing the school as provided in our charter and in a manner consistent with the Constitution of the United States.
The Governing Board of Directors consists of nine voting members, each serving a three year term. In addition to the nine voting members, the school Principal serves as an ex officio (non-voting) board member. In each school year, three members reach the end of their terms and six members remain. This provides a continuity of governance and experience while also allowing for new membership each year.
Elections for the open positions are held each fall in accordance with the election process outlined in the bylaws. The offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary are elected annually by the Board.
If you would like to join the board please fill out this application and return it to Odyssey Charter School.
Chairman: Ray Evans –
Vice Chairman: Andrew Kee –
Board Members
CFO: Shannon Maynard –
District Superintendent: Scot Hooper –
Ray Evans is the Chairman of our school board and has been a member of the board since 2023. For the past 17 years, he has worked for Element Home Loans as a Mortgage Lender. Previously, he was a realtor, on a church staff, and began his career in IT. He and his wife have been married for 38 years. They value family, sports, and enjoy time with friends.
Andy has been an elected member of our Board since 2014. His two children, Asuka and Cabot, and his wife, Jerrie, are all proud Odyssey Tigers. Andy is the Senior Video Engineer for Wide Open West, the 9th largest cable company in the US. He is an amateur radio operator and has been involved with the Coweta County Amateur Radio Emergency Service, the American Red Cross, the National Weather Service, C.E.R.T. as well as search and rescue operations. He and his family have a small farm where Asuka and Cabot raise chickens for 4-H. Andy passionately believes that our school is capable of an educational experience that is second to none for the students that we serve. He believes a quality education starts at home and that Odyssey promotes that belief by encouraging continuous parental involvement on and off of school grounds in a way that is not possible in the traditional public school systems. He feels our teachers and supporting staff are some of the most dedicated professionals that he has met and he is proud to serve them, our students and our school.
Shannon Maynard has been on the board since 2021. She has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Clayton College and State University. Shannon was an Assistant Controller from 1987-1997. She was a Controller from 1997-1998. She has worked for many years at Suntrust Bank.
Scot Hooper Arrived in Georgia with his wife Cheri, and two sons Dylan and Matthew, in 2015.
Scot is a licensed Superintendent in Georgia and Texas, and has 24 years of experience in public education. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Wisconsin, a Master’s Degree from Texas A&M University, a Doctorial Specialist Degree from Kennesaw University, where he received the Scholar of the Year Award in 2019, and a Certificate in Charter School Financial Management from the University of Georgia.
We are closely watching the weather for this Tuesday.
Be watching the website for updates.