Each school year, three members of our nine member board will reach the end of their terms and elections are held in the fall to fill those and any other positions that have become available. Typically, one of those three open positions is elected by the parents and the remaining two positions are appointed by the existing board. This allows the board to appoint candidates that meet particular needs, in terms of skill sets, to help the board operate in the most efficient and proficient manner possible. For example, the board may seek candidates with a financial background to help on the Finance Committee or candidates with a law background to help on the Governance committee. These board-appointed seats may be parents or community members.
After determining the board positions that need to be filled, parents are contacted via school news and by notes sent home through students encouraging them to consider running for any open positions. Interested parties submit a letter of intent, a biography, and resume. A paper ballot is created and given (one per family) to parents and guardians asking them to vote for a specific number of candidates to fill the open positions. Ballots are returned to a ballot box at the school. Votes are then counted by at least one board member, administrator, parent representative and a teacher representative.
Once the parent member positions are elected, the Board will review the remaining parent candidates as well as any other community member candidates, interview all candidates, and then appoint candidates to fill the remaining positions.
The offices of President, Vice President, CFO and Secretary are elected annually by the members of the Governing Board.
We are closely watching the weather for this Tuesday.
Be watching the website for updates.