Odyssey Charter School
14 St. John Circle, Newnan, GA 30265 -- (770)251-6111

18 Sep

Food Form Reminders

All Partner’s Pizza order forms are due on Monday mornings. All Chick-fil-a biscuit order forms are due on Wednesday mornings.


18 Sep

School Board Meeting

Odyssey Charter School Governing Board September Meeting will be on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 6:30 pm. This meeting is open to the public. The School Board Meeting will be at Madras Park Madras Park 2355 Hwy 29 N Newnan, Georgia 30265 770-683-PARK(7275)


12 Sep

Student Led Conferences

Student-led conferences will take place on October 4-5th. Please check your messages from your teachers so that you can get signed up for your time. Attendance is a REQUIREMENT for students and parents/guardians at Odyssey Charter School. See you there! Please find a letter from Mrs. Bickerstaff: Student-led Conferences


8 Sep

FASA Meeting September 13

Chick-fil-a food truck spirit night and class snack box filling, September 13, 6:30-8.


7 Sep

Patriotic Shirt

In honor of September 11th, students may wear a patriotic shirt with uniform bottoms on Monday, September 11th.


7 Sep


Update: We were able to change everyone for September 7th, if you have any upcoming exceptions please make sure they have been updated to Carline. Everyone for the next few weeks, while we learn the new system, please keep bringing the yellow placards. Also, to fix the QR code for second carline we will be […]


4 Sep

School Dismissal Manager and Fast Lane

We are excited to implement our new afternoon dismissal system on SEPTEMBER 5th. This is new for our school, so we are learning along with you. Please scan the QR code once you enter the school’s driveway. There will be staff members outside to help you check in if you are not able to scan […]


4 Sep

No WEST Bus Services

No WEST Bus Services, Wednesday, September 6th. No Bus Service


1 Sep

Login to Your Car Line Account

Please make sure you log in to your carline account. Even if your child is going home on the bus, daycare bus, or carpooling, you still need to have an account. You will log in and let us know how your child is getting home. We will be using the QR code after we get […]


31 Aug

Teacher Work Day

Friday, September 1st is a Teacher Workday and Monday is Labor Day.  Students will return on Tuesday, September 5th. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

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